Thursday, August 6, 2009

The China Cup - Kiwi Film

The China Cup - Directed by Fiona McKenzie.
Written and Produced by Peter Frahm of Geraldine

A New Zealand film set in Temuka,

D.V.D s NOW ON SALE AT on Album Sales Page. You can order your copy and pay with Pay Pal or just contact me.

It had a record 11 weeks in the Timaru Theatre Royal.
It's done the rounds in the private cinemas in the South Island and had a season at The Matakana Cinema.

It'll make you chuckle it may even make you cry, watching myself try to act in it definitely makes me want to cry. Ha!

I'm Roxie the Fiddler and play in the Pub band scenes and a few home scenes throughout the movie as I'm the flat mate of 'Rose' one of the main characters.

The Band Line up:
Phill Doublet - Electric Lead, Doug Blakie - Drums, Brian Kennard - Banjo / Guitar, Trevor Dawe - Keyboard / Organ, Johnny Elder - Bass, Peter Frahm - Rhythm Guitar and Jessie Frahm- Vocals and percussion
Noel Burns of Timaru, is the Pastor of the Church. Excellent!!

My exciting news is that four of my own compositons including "The Black Jelly Bean Reel" "Things Do Get Better" - co written with Brendon Ham, "Country Warm up" and "Barney Duffy" are used for part of the soundtrack. Yay!!

Brendon Ham, Tami Neilson and Kevin Greaves also have their original
compositions featuring inthe sound track.

Marian Burns. "Roxy" baby.!!

From Left: Peter Frahm Phill Doublet Brian Kennard Jessie Frahm Doug Blakie Marian Burns Johnny Elder and Trevor Dawe

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