Sunday, August 16, 2009

Well everyone... I'm on cloud nine.... Having just picked up an award from The Kiwi Pro Am National Country Music Association for - Top Female Country Artist of the Year.. 2009 wahooooo!

Thank you to my friends and fans and family who voted for me.. I appreciate your support. I feel so proud to have won such a prestigious award.

A professional - top notch - wow factor - Showcase of talent. What an incredible team of people.
Here's a pic of flowers my staff at Marina View gave me not to mention the royal treatment ALLLLL week at school, and an enormous Certificate and Musical Sash presented at Assembly.

Cheers everyone

Marian Burns

1 comment:

  1. Marian my whole hearted congrats to you. this is something you truly deserve girl ! xxxx

    I've found your site .. Come visit mine when you have a minute ..
